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Items to send to a love one in Long Term Care

Erica Johnson

After sending a love one to a Long Term Care Facility/Nursing home they become sad and uncomfortable at first. One of the biggest reasons is because of the change of scenery of course. Their no longer in the comfort of their own home or the place they once called home.

The best advice/idea I can give from experience is to make their room as comfortable as possible. Here is a list of items i often see in patients room that makes them happy and is very useful to their every day life.

  • Hygiene- Favorite soap , lotion,shampoo and conditioner, and hair tools

  • Comfort Items- Favorite Blanket/s, pillows, stuffed animals, dolls, toys, and clothing

  • Decorations- Family pictures, pictures of patient, mementos, and other items that make the room feel like home

  • Digital Clock- (shows date, day,month,year,and time)

  • Hobby Supplies- Art supplies,puzzle, word finds,crossword puzzles,board games,books, and stationery

  • Wall Calendar- A calendar with family members birthdays, holidays,and other important dates

  • Book for visitors- A book for visitors to sign and leave messages for the patient

  • Gripper slippers or sock- Help keep patient safe and reduce the risk of falls

  • phone book

  • Small refrigerator (if allowed)- fill with warmup dinners/meal preps, snacks,and beverages. This is just in case the patient is hungry between meals. Some patients just dont like the facility food. Also create an area for nonperishable food such as soup,canned fruit and vegetables,nuts, peanut butter,protein bars and more if the facility dont allow refrigerators in the rooms.

Check with the facility first to see if there are any restrictions on items on items you can and can't bring. Most Long Term Care Facilities encourage patients to bring their own personal items for comfort.

Right Away Care LLC is available 24/7 for companionship and Conversation about how to make your love one feel a little more comfortable in a Long Term Care Facility

Call/Text 205-503-8704

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